
Charly Bliss, “Strings”

NYC indie rockers Charly Bliss just released their new music video single “Strings”, which we are proud to be premiering here at Impose. The new track starts off with a reverb-drenched string of chords before sliding gently into a sugary, pop-punk song that's full of energy and grungey attitude. With a Pixies-by-way-of-Surfer Blood sound, “Strings” features guitarist Spencer Fox on lead vocal duties with lead singer Eva Grace Hendricks providing some sweet harmonies, singing about friends and girls—standard pop-punk fare.

The video, directed by Christopher George, tells a classic story: boy meets girl, boy defeats girl’s boyfriend at 15th annual Charly’s Chicken wing eating contest, girl falls in love with boy, everyone tastes like buffalo sauce. Shot at the Sweatshop in Brooklyn, the video is the third and final part of the “Soft Serve Trilogy”, which started in May with their song “Love Me” and continued last week with “Urge to Purge”. Like The Return of the Jedi of '90s throwback indie rock, “Strings” closes out the trilogy with an appropriately ripping string of solos and the triumphant victory of the series's nerdy protagonist. Get down/acquire a craving for chicken wings by checking out their video above.