
Debut: Window Twins, “Two Left Feet”

The latest Window Twins single "Two Left Feet" outlines the pains of growing up, awakening in a dream and discovering the metamorphosis of becoming a wallflower. Brought to you from San Francisco's musical legionnaires Jon Bernson (Exray's, Ray's Vast Basement) and Tim Cohen (Fresh & Onlys, Magic Trick); their hop-along-organ-&-whistle tune gets visualized as a vintage coming of age short in this premiere from Broken Machine Films.

The film opens with a funeral and a string of bad luck for our young protagonist as a broken mirror leads to shame and bewilderment to match the song's early morning class bell confusions. Things get tense as schoolyard bullying is met with a hostile reaction with pistol turned fatal, followed by Rorschach tests, a desire to belong and a new life on the run. In a recent conversation with the video's director and editor, Joshua Rogers, he described both his approach to gathering found film and the futility of coming-of-age escapism:

"I find most of the ephemera I use either at thrift stores, flea markets or some obscure spots online. This beauty was found on an old 8mm school film reel site about the trials and tribulations of being an adolescent….and trying in vain to escape it all. Oh to be young again."

The new Window Twins LP Wish comes out October 16 on vinyl from Volar and on cassette through Crash Symbols.