
The Gooch Palms, “We Get By”

Australia's The Gooch Palms know exactly how to be in a lo-fi garage band. In their video for "Get By", we see them participating in all kinds of young ruffian tomfoolery, from attempting skateboard flips to driving around aimlessly to surfing and rocking all at once. If this is how the band intends to get by in the flourishing Australian economy, then they have our full support. Adding to their ability to truly live like an underground band is the high-pitched "wee-ooo" that will never leave your head—"Get By" isn't just an anthem for the have-nots, it's a catchy, expertly written one to boot.

Watch the video for "Get By" above, then look for The Gooch Palms' debut, Novo's, out on October 4 through Anti Fade Records.