
Gangi makes a video to celebrate May Day

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With the seasonal holiday of May Day upon us and the Occupy everywhere mobilizing back into gear, our friend Matt Gangi just finished an uplifting video to support both the 99% and International Workers Day proper. For the video for “Gold” Gangi presents the masses taking it to the streets from footage rich with Occupy dissenters galore. “Time for a hold up, the banks have run dry,” Matt sings you are drawn into his survey of protests clashing with authorities amid his global call to “put your hands up.”

Matt and drummer Eric Chramosta pour hard proletariat sweat into the track about the dreams of the working class revolution while televising the revolution for the revolution. Reflecting on traversing the frontlines, Gangi describes the strong bond of unity shared between the East and West coasts protesters: “The protest in New York, where I shot a lot of the footage, was a demonstration after what had gone down in Oakland with Scott Olsen and 'New York is Oakland, Oakland is New York' was one of the phrases being chanted.”