Our favorite Tumblr this week is Awesome People Hanging Out Together. The name pretty much explains the premise, although it really doesn't quite illuminate how awesome it is to see people you admire just chilling together outside of silver screens and press photos. It's like that contrived tabloid column, “Stars: They're Just Like Us!” but better. I mean, these people are still not like me. I don't attend galas or go to parties at Mick Jagger's. But still, they are just people hanging out with like-minded people, and that's something we all can relate to.
(Big ups to our man Blake Gillespie who passed this on from his homie, Evan de Bie.)
Elvis Presley and Sophia Loren
William S. Burroughs and Kurt Cobain
Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman
Steve Jobs and Bill Gates
Bridget Bardot and Picasso
David Cross and Will Arnett