King of Kong star to attempt world record at Logan Hardware

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America is severely lacking in the “hero” department. Sure, there's the homeless guy with the great voice, and the woman who berated a subway flasher, but these are but drops in our fat, unemployed, sad ocean.

However, Steve Wiebe, everyman star of the 2007 documentary King of Kong: Fistful of Quarters and conquerer of gamer dickbag/cheat Billy Williams, is a bona fide demigod for all the right reasons. Wiebe's dogged perseverance netted him the highest score ever recorded in Donkey Kong, and he earned it as honestly and humbly as humanly possible, especially in the face of the bogus opposition thrown up by the creepy 80's video game clique.

You can see him in person at the re-opening of Logan Hardware (which also houses Impose Records' distributor CID),on January 15th, in an attempt to beat his own world record of 1,064,500. Wiebe's also teaching a class on Donkey Kong beforehand, so if you're in the Chicago area and are a quick learner, maybe you'll give him a run for his money. If anything, America needs more Steve Wiebes.