Unstoppable Death Machines

Seemingly out of the blue; our dear friends the Unstoppable Death Machines dropped the ultra-entertaining album Know Tomorrow that delivers a new sense of smart knowledge of what tomorrow never knows. From the sample about media control on “Current State”, the title track “kNOw Tomorrow” gets the whole amped up rebellion in full fist swinging motion. “Cop City” dabbles into police state styles of living as “Wasted Land” finds use for redeveloping on top of scorched land with “Wasted Land”, while “City Lights” radiates with a whole other kinda of fierce luster that only UDM can producd proper.
The duo gets somewhat romantic on “Future Date”, before cranking up the intensity on “Tough Love in the Afterlife” & the dark shrouded ghoulish goth pop of “Dark Days”. “Lucy is the Boss” ft. NINJASONIK offers up more poppy fun with dissonant arts, kvetching over frustrations of the obvious variety on the stormy “Got First World Problems”, that spin into “Once In a Lifetime” that offer up experiences that only emerge one time in an individual’s life, followed by more guided noise with NINJASONIK on “#FACTS”, right before a rumble of percussion brings everything to a close on “kNOw Where To Go”. Or in Unstoppable Death Machines’ own words:
kNOw gods, kNOw demons, kNOw masters, kNOw your heart, kNOw Tomorrow.