Yared Kiflai

The Bay Area remains a hotbed & home base for everything involving innovation. This west coast pocket of the Pacific has been synonymous with progress from the cultural, socio-political to the technological & aesthetic where the conventions are constantly challenged in a variety of new perspectives & approaches. The wealth of artistry has always found a way to prevail, no matter what bubble is in style or whichever fashion may be trending where often the arts inform & inspire local civic offices & leadership. As Different Fur Studios‘ freshly launched imprint Text Me Records has captured the attention of the inquiring world—the San Francisco label introduces Oakland rising star Yared Kiflai with the world premiere of the atmospheric & smoky new single “Sideways” ft. Ryan Fam & Lutz. Like the ubiquitous fog named Karl that often encompasses the entirety of the Bay & it’s various micro-climates; Kiflai’s new track invites the listener on a journey to a different & parallel dimension where the electric air space ambiance connects minds & worlds like the Bay Bridge.
Currently working on the upcoming TWENTYSOMETHINGS, “Sideways” signals the sentiments of trying to maintain while being in the middle of the movement’s zeitgeist. With production supplied by Ryan Fam that sounds patterned after paranormal motion & a treated vocal assist from Lutz—Yared calibrates focuses on keeping up the climb while staying steadfast in the game & grind. Sipping slow while the world around the artist spins fast, Kiflai’s vocals emerge out of the production like still-life art surrounded by time-elapsed visions of day-to-night city scenes that are both sped-up & slowed-down all at the same time. The pedal to the metal ’til it crash ethos is coupled with the rhyme schemes & dreams of golden brass accolades as the artist discards the dead-end ditches of doubt & mediocrity with a hunger & thirst for the finer things. With an insatiable & unquenchable volition, Yared’s vocal presence oscillates from eerie & odd electric pitch shifts to untouched isolation that spotlights verse sections full of lyrical aphorisms that express an eager drive of endless aspiration. Entertaining a futuristic artistic front provided by contributions from both Fam & Lutz’s collaboration, Yared Kiflai engages in the art of audio world building where every new day feels like day one. For Yared, every new dawn offers an opportune glimpse of future possibilities, just as “Sideways” sends the audience into an alternate space of mind & being that is somewhere in-between right-side up & the vertigo of being upside down.

Yared Kiflai caught up with us to talk about the new single & insights on what’s next in the following exclusive interview session:
Describe what currently inspires you about Oakland & the Bay at large right now.
I think there’s a shift going on in Oakland and the Bay, in general, that’s really inspiring. I used to believe in order to make it in music you needed to be in LA or New York but I’ve come to realize it doesn’t matter where you as long as the internet exists.
What brought you & motivated you to first begin to hone & flex your own skills musically?
I grew up loving music. I wanted to be an NBA superstar one day like most kids, but later realized that wasn’t in my cards. I kind of fell into making music around 17 years old and never stopped. I love the process.
Interested in hearing about collaborating with Ryan Fam & Lutz on “Sideways”. Describe the creative, collaborative synergy at work.
Ryan Fam made the beat and sent it to me last year with himself on the hook. I wrote my verses over a couple times. By this time I moved to LA and started working with Ryan closely. I re-recorded my verses and he sent the song to Lutz who’s on the east coast. It all just started coming together.

“Sideways” has a real hedonistic vibe where the listener feels as if they have been spun literally sideways. Tell us about what sorts of heady considerations went into the mix.
The aim was to maintain the dark aesthetic for the song. I wanted it to feel like a journey. When it came to the mixing I just wanted to toy around with different pitches and tune and allow the song to feel like a different world.
What are you cooking up next?
Finishing up my project TWENTYSOMETHINGS. And continuing to get better.
Are you doing any of the whole Fantasy sports hype this season? If so, tell us your own insights & thoughts on the spread.

What’s next in the pipeline for Yared Kiflai?
More music. Continuing to drop singles and visuals. And a full-length project in early 2018.
2018 hopes & mantras?
Be where you at.
Yared Kiflai’s new single “Sideways” ft. Ryan Fam & Lutz is available now via Text Me Records. TWENTYSOMETHINGS will be available soon.