
Total Abuse rips us a new one

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Total Abuse' Prison Sweat LP opens with 7-minutes of distortion and high-art skronking that screeches and scrawls, functioning as the waking yawns and stretches for the band to rise for track two, “Early Morning”. The album intro “First Passage” gives the impression that Total Abuse slept under a bridge last night and a far worse off than you on Monday.

But the feedback fuggery gets Total Abuse limber for “Early Morning,” which is a jaw-crack from a billy club for a wake up call. Frontman Rusty Kelley is like Rollins after a coffee enima as he lays out his early bird routine. Kelley yells himself into exhaustion causing “Early Morning” to fall off the rails just under the two-minute mark and that, my friends, is why you should not masturbate before noon.

Total Abuse, “Early Morning”

Total Abuse's Prison Sweat is out October 18 on PPM.