
A-Trak founds new label

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A-Trak, sometimes referred to by his mother as “Alain Macklovitch”, is shutting shop over at Audio Research, the label he started at age 15 with Dave 1 (Chromeo) and Willo (Eskimo Design), and ran for ten years. In its stead, Trak has founded Fool's Gold.

Quote: “This DJ scene that we're a part of in North America has influenced music scenes across the world, but ironically there aren't enough labels that represent it. That's where Fool's Gold comes in. A label where we can release GLC and Kid Sister side-to-side without it being a stretch. Going from local phenomena like Gant-Man's Chicago juke music, to compilations that connect rap to electronic, this is music that we and our DJ peers would all play. As different genres continue to merge and our scene brings them all together, there's a need for a label that'll take it beyond the MySpace/hipster party realm and crystallize it with releases-and what's great with Fool's Gold is that it's not forced, since we're all just friends putting out each other's music.”

The project teams up with Nick Catchdubs, the prolific Brooklyn-based DJ. Fool's Gold's first release will be the single by Kid Sister titled “Control”. Look for a mix CD by A-Trak, an EP from DJ Gant-Man, rap from Chicago's Cool Kids, and electro from Paris' Kavinsky.