(Charles)Book&Record, “Softbase”

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San Diego art collective (Charles)Book&Record have delivered a video for their latest single, “Softbase”, as well as a remix of the Foot Village song “The End of the World”, and both have a signature uplifting, melody-driven, albeit performatively random, touch. The video for “Softbase” plays out like a journey through the woods and is rife with collage-like images, brightly-lit cities, and a man or two with a head entire covered. The accompanying song has enough filtered horns to keep you pumping through the journey, coming out the other end unscathed and relieved. The band's remix of Foot Village has a more unhinged edge to it, slightly dadaist in its approach to the additional tones throne out at unpredictable points in the song. You can take a listen to that below, and order the new (Charles)Book&Record tape, Leftover Magic, here.