Clams Casino's EP is streaming

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Clams Casino

We are indebted to the homie CHLLNGR for putting Clams Casino in his playlist for Viva Radio, because now we're zoning out to the trip hop machinations that lie within his Rainforest EP. The Rainforest EP is streaming via Tri-Angle, but we have plenty to say regarding the finer points as to why you should take your enjoyment for Clams Casino a step further and make a purchase.

First, contrary to literal interpretation, the moniker is not a gambling reference built upon ā€œclamsā€ being slang for money, nor is it a lucid vision of shellfish imposing upon the mafioso business of running casinos. Clams casino* is a dish that involves breadcrumbs and baconā€¦ that's right sizzling, greasy, heart-attack man bacon.

Second, Clams Casino the band rips through dizzying samples that might someday land him a spot on tour with CFCF or Frank Ocean, as the breakanomics of his beat sonics inch towards the anomie infecting our preconcieved notions of R&B. Clams Casino roars into heavier modes that don't lend much space for crooning over the haphazard state of affairs in a hotel room, but there's a chance, be it slight, that the movements could meet in the middle. Clams Casino beats have found their way intot the inboxes of Squadda B, Lil B and Soulja Boy. Let's hope the correspondence rolodex for CC continues to grow.

Rainforest EP by clammyclams

Clams Casino's Rainforest EP is out June 27 on Tri-Angle.

*Author's note: This byte was written by a midwestern boy living on the west coast. He's far from privy to the traditions of New England. This morning he learned that ā€œclams casinoā€ is a classic American dish present on just about every trattoria menu in Little Italy, Manhattan.