
Ed Schrader's Music Beat

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Ed Schrader's Music Beat from GONZO CHICAGO on Vimeo.

In 2011, a friend of mine held an art show in Chicago. It also housed some of our favorite local bands like Piss Piss Piss, Moan Moan Moan, and Lechuguillas. Smack dab in the middle of a seven band line-up was Ed Schrader's Music Beat. Being unfamiliar, and properly sauced by the time these two took the stage, I really had no idea what was in store for me. He lit the drum, covered it with a Double Dagger t-shirt, and they were off. It blew me away. They went from Joy Division to Jay Reatard in mere seconds.

The power in that evil gaze made me laugh, but this wasn't a joke. I was laughing because it was so fucking spectacular and refreshing. Wondering if my booze-addled brain was just wasted enough to trick itself into thinking this was, indeed, THAT good, I trekked to the Empty Bottle to see them again. As I hope you can see in this video, I was not mistaken. Some of the most powerful sounds and moments to come from a simple two piece, since, well, anything I can ever remember.

Ed lives in Baltimore, is a comedian, journalist, talk-show host, and part of the city's “Wham City” collective. He's joined by Devlin Rice on bass, and I hope it stays that way.

Jazz Mind is out now on Load Records. Enjoy.