
Habibi, “I Got the Moves”

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The dangerously catchy new single from the debut self-titled album of New York girl group Habibi—made up of Erin Campbell, Rahill Jamalifard, Lenny Lynch, and Karen Vasquez—is out on Burger Records and their debut single is a killer. It's called “I Got the Moves”—does it ever—and it will be working its way into your secret midday bathroom dance break if it hasn't already. Elsewhere on the record, there are Middle Eastern influences, with a few songs sung in Farsi, Jamalifard's native language. It mixes Debbie Deb-style pep with dissonant flourishes, in a sanded-down garage punk casing. The girls catch their breath around the 1-minute mark, but don't worry, the fun picks back up after they put the hand-shakers down.

Head over to Burger Records to purchase the album, and catch a glimpse below with “I Got the Moves.”