
Haraket, Ilk EP

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From South East London's Peckham cultural hub, which has already spawned the likes of genre-defying King Krule, comes the sophomore release of five-piece electronic outfit Haraket (meaning “movement” in Turkish). Their new four-track EP, Ilk, comes on the well-received heels of their first single, “Taint/Attgo.” Though they preserve what went into the ambient, loungy mix of their first release—elegant bass throbs, shadowy vocals, and subtle guitars—this time, its packaging is less effects-laden. Ilk warrants multiple listens, if for no other reason than to get a grasp on the disparate rock, jazz, and electronic elements at work over the course of the EP's hypnotic sixteen-and-a-half minutes.

Ilk will be available on vinyl after the new year, through Melodica Recordings. Until then, you can stream it here.