
High Wolf's Not Not Fun record Ascension gets you there

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High Wolf, Ascension

The name “High Wolf” has always gotten under my skin, like an amalgamation of all the wolf bands of five years ago with the weed reference bands before there was glofi, but not that much before.

Forget about that though because the bits we've heard of the new High WOlf LP, Ascension, out now on Not Not Fun, is too good to be snared in fickle mind games.

Witness “Solar System Is My God”, where, as goes the title so goes the track, in that High Wolf thinks big, but not too big – no universal exclamations or massive dark matter noise explosions – just tribal drums beat for the 8 or 9 or 10 planets revolving around our own G-type main sequence star, and some synth shimmers mirroring the passage of light blasting each orbit with clarity.

High Wolf, “Solar System Is My God