
Myck Jenkins Celebrates The “Sunkissed” on New Track

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While working on his upcoming (T)he (H)ealing (C)omponent album, burgeoning Chicago star Mick Jenkins has released a couple mouth-watering loosies this year that display why he was a candidate for the recent XXL freshman list. He delivered an ideal offering for the summer months with his recent “Sunkissed” track, featuring singer TheMIND.

It’s easy for a listener to be swept away by the anthemic, social-media-bio-ready “you love my style, you love my skin,” refrain, but within the dreamy production and prideful lyrics are Jenkins’ characteristically keen jabs at systemic racism.

“Y’all can’t just front on us niggas no more,” he proclaims before suggesting, “if we eliminated every black invention motherfuckers wouldnt last a week” and surmising “racist motherfuckers ain’t happy.“ Especially when artists like Myck Jenkins are around to fearlessly call them out.

You can listen to “Sunkissed” below.