
Sama Dams offer Comfort in Doubt

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The slick vocals may be the best part about Portland-based Sama Dams; crooning with this sexy half-whisper on top of a highly-produced, very crisp array of textures and grooves, the band display a compelling range in rock ‘n’ roll dexterity. Playing with RnB and soul in a post-rock context, they pull comparisons to such eclectics as Radiohead and The Dirty Projectors with stylistic choices reminiscent of Prince. It’s an experimentation with pop music, but they still retain accessibility. Like a west coast version of Brooklyn’s Ava Luna, Sama Dams has a very tight-locked control over their sound, where few mistakes are made, and everything is meant to be in it’s place. And in case you’re wondering, yes, there is a Sam Adams in the band (as well as a Lisa Adams and Chris Hermsen).

Sama Dams has a new album out today called Comfort in Doubt, which you can stream a piece of below. It is also available for purchase on vinyl and CD from their bandcamp.