
Santiago's Humble House

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Elisita Balbontin is a visual artist and the lead singer for the band Makaroni. She lives in Santiago, Chile.

One of the main reasons I started playing music was to share and communicate with others in a language not necessarily written or spoken. This was in 2001, when at the age of 19, I had first moved to NYC from Santiago to study at Hunter College. For a year I was practically alone, and silent, discovering the city, its characters and its music. Then one day a classmate, Ben Florencio, who now is still one of my closet friends in life and music, invited me after class to make some noises and sounds.

Since then, I never stopped playing and I continue to be inspired by music as an instinctive way of communication. Living again in Santiago, I follow this same principle of sharing and allowing for surprises to take place where music happens. I appreciate the musical movement in Chile because not everyone is going to be the next big band that everyone talks about. Personally, I am not trying to follow trends, I just want to hear the music and have a chance to share it with others.

I remember one night in Makaroni's practice space, with lots of friends involved in the scene, like Mamacita and Sofía Oportot hanging out. It all started with a group of friends gathered around a simple spring time bonfire. Instead of having a sound system running with an eternal playlist, we had some keyboards, synths and a mic connected to a small but loud enough boom box–just a few basics for all the friends to jump in and play.

The night was a flow of talent – melodies, vocals, and sexy lyrics. There is a creative dialogue among bands and musicians in Santiago that inspires me. It is an honest and friendly exchange.


“Humble House” or “House Humilde” is a term invented by Mamacita, and the name of her first demo. It represents the spirit of the community, a love for house music, and the physical place, Madhaus Academy, where Makaroni rehearse.


Our fave musical diva and minimal sexy. Humble House creator who sings about romance and love.

Is a member of Makaroni with his butterfingers on the keyboard. His adorable happy face and talented being is always pushing the limits and bringing us to uncharted territories which keeps us on the flow. He spends most of his time under the desert sun producing photosynthesis into inspiration that filters into the alchemy of sound.

Nico Chico

Occasional guest singer for Makaroni. This guy has style on an R&B level and passions comes with his sound. I´ve never seen someone so exited about being on stage.

Friendly and supportive pianist, solid backup singer, and collaborator for live shows.

Nico Multi
Everyone's best friend and biggest loyal fan. As an art director, he is involved in every music video or visual production of all the groups. He lives in and runs the house where all of this takes place.

The mysterious master producer of Madhaus Records. He DJs in the most inspired parties around town and is the fabulous beat maker in Makaroni. Roman produces while his eyes look far into other dimensions of sound and beats.

Sofía Oportot
The underground electro pop queen of Chile. She has been performing for years and wears doll and magical character costumes for her live show. Her main project is Quierostar with the distinguished DJ X Large, who throws the coolest queer party in town every weekend called Cielito Lindo.


Is not a musician but a hardcore lady that you better seriously respect and love. She helps everyone with a lot of humor, aesthetics & cosmetics, and published uncensured ideas on her successful blog called



Galeria Tajamar, Stuart, Block


Basco Vasko, Nicolas Manning, Matias Santa María, Ignacio Gumucio, Juan Pablo Langlois, Matilde Perez


Mostro, Indios Indias, Föllakzoid, Lavina Yelb, Protistas, Adrian Igual, Fredy Michell, Javiera Mena, Original Hamster


Cellar, Loreto, Amanda, Matucana 100


Japon, Lomits, Peluqueria Francesa


Labels: Madhaus Records, BYM, Hueso Records, Rio Bueno
Magazines: Super 45, Extravaganza, POTQ
Promoters: Club Fauna, Armonica