
Satellites, Ghost

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There's only a handful of musicians who place their face close to the flickering wooden box known as the Monome, most of which are on Daedelus's Magical Properties label. At the SEMF (Sacramento Electronic Music Festival) back in May I had the pleasure of discovering a lesser known Monome manipulator who went by Satellites. To take a more conversational approach in describing Satellites, “his set killed!”

Last month Satellites self-released a full length entitled Ghost, taking all the necessary steps to side-step iTunes surcharges and human tracking devices. Unlike his moniker, a Satellite beat is never restricted to a linear path or orbit. Throughout Ghost, the production pairs the warble bass alongside the 8-bit boss stage sounds that stir anxiety. It's sci-fi music at its core. Satellites is crafting beats with the idea that we're not alone and when the invaders arrive he wants to DJ the last party before we become slaves in another galaxy.

Buy Satellites' Ghost at Kids Without Radio.