
Silver Liz – “Microwave S’mores”

We’ve all certainly been getting to know our co-habitants better and better in these weird times. Whether or not that’s a good thing for you depends on plenty of variants, but Chicago-based Carrie and Matt Wagner found the pleasure in staying home way before any of this started.

Recording as Silver Liz, the group is now sharing a new single + video called “Microwave S’mores” which is tailor-made for your next wistful stare out the window. The dreamy track ebbs and flows between lilting guitars and ethereal vocals up to bursts of heavy shoegaze-style TV static making for a delightfully mind-bending listening experience.

“Microwave S’mores is about embracing the tendency to be a homebody,” shares Matt. “When I showed one of my friends the song, he asked ‘you okay, bud?’ The lyrics are not meant to be depressing and it wasn’t out of irony that we chose to put them with music that is light and in a major-key; The music suggests that the lyrics are a celebration of accepting your introversion.”

Carrie adds; “The song, which we actually wrote last year, is called ‘Microwave S’mores’ and it’s about wanting to stay indoors. Considering what’s going on in the world right now, we think this is the perfect time to release it. Of course, many of us are desperately wanting to go outside these days, but this song might help some remember all the times they wished they’d had an excuse to stay in and not go out”

All proceeds from the track will be donated to the MusicCares’ COVID-19 Relief Fund.

Watch Silver Liz in “Microwave S’mores” below and look for more from the band here.