
Tune-yards’ #TYChicksVote Twitter forum round-up

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[Ed's Note: We asked our intern, Britt Blake to troll a Twitter forum run by Merrill Garbus of Tune-yards. Ms. Blake reported what she saw, which was limited to the basic expectations of the Internet. With little else to say, we encourage you to go out and vote today, but more importantly, vote responsibly.]

Tracking voting issues and concerns through social media has never been easier…or more despondent. Tune-yards leading woman, Merrill Garbus, hosted a forum on Twitter last week voicing concerns, questions, and cynicisms, of the woman voter.

Nevermind the irony of having a forum dedicated to the gravity of women’s voting concerns called “TYChicksVote.”

But on the search for truth from our leaders, social media remains an internet microcosm, primarily functioning as an information nugget machine. Yet spewing in advertisement nuggets, anecdotes, bastions, personal nuggets, and random opinions, that interweb can sometimes have the occasional supersize relevant resource.

Here we have bastions:

A baseless random opinion stated in the form of a question:

An advertisement:

A fact:

And relevant resource:

A short forum so far, but still open as far as I know.