Ryan Power released a track today entitled “The Prize” and we feel like we've hit the pop music jackpot. With the release of the full-length LP Identity Picks out on NNA Tapes on June 25, this track gives us a great insight at what will surely be a full-bodied, retro-ed out record with hints of sweetness so touching it's hard to hold back those smile creases. In “The Prize”, Power sings “we're fucking up” and it couldn't be more of a fib—the track is perfectly mild, giving each touch on the keys just enough pressure to make your big toe tap. It's one of the more complete-sounding pop songs we've heard in a while, and when Power mimics the key melody with his voice, there is a lightness that shines through that's brighter than your average sunny day. But it's never too much. In this track, subtlety is Power's strength.
You can pick up Identity Picks through NNA Tapes here.