
Chuck Giampa: down before the bell

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Former boxing judge Chuck Giampa landed a new gig on the analyst side of the business with Showtime Boxing. He was introduced as a man with experience and insight stemming from judging over 132 championship fights. All he could offer though, was the prompt for jokes on the vacancy inside the mind of a judge and one of the best utterings of “shit” on premium cable since Clay Davis was dragging them out on HBO's The Wire.

Chuck Giampa's FAIL moment is viral and we predict he'll get the traditional treatment in meme, but we're not jumping on that bandwagon. You can say “shit” on Showtime. Big whoop, it's premium cable. Take that into consideration and it's baffling that the ring side girls still wear bikinis when it would be “premium” to be topless. We encourage Chuck to keep fucking that chicken because he can.