
Impose Does Fantasy Basketball

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As our gluttonous desire to matter, to be something, to be more than being continues to balloon, we as a society implemented a thorough and complicated fantasy game element to our professional sports arenas. You can be a fan, but why not finish the word? Fantasy, we can be fantasy athletes.

And here in the land of sports gossip and music news, the balloon has yet to pop, so what can we do but make the blind jump from observer to participant? We’ve tied our ship to the fatuous anchor of fantasy sports. And really maybe it’s not that fatuous. We all want to succeed athletically at one point in our lives, but few desire to leave the couch. The sprints to the fridge for a cold one during TV timeouts occasionally prove fatal.

October is over and Baseball has ended. I applaud this only for my own lack of interest, understanding, concern for 250 soft pounds jawing on some Red Man. Football might as well be over. The Cowboys, the whoevers. The Wanda von Dunajews as we play Severin year over year for no real reason. Our fantasy vocation by default then becomes the NBA. And we at Impose are proud to bring to you the first ever:


We went inter-internet and brought in Complex, Gothamist, Quartersnacks, Thrasher, Stereogum, Vice, and Potholes in My Blog for a season of heated matchups to see who’s got the most basketball knowledge this side of the ether. We’ll be updating weekly with our progress of domination, as well shaming those riding the bottom.

So who cares if Iggy got traded to the Nuggets, or Harden is Houston-bound? That has little to do with our personal fantasy. Team Impose is heavy with Westbrook and Melo. We have the fan favorites: Joakim Noah and Z-Bo. You can have LeBron, Gothamist, we pick on emotions not statistics. The stakes have never been higher. Losers make their websites redirect to the winners for a week. Or winners just get a t-shirt. We haven’t really talked about it.

Rewatch Winning Time and Above the Rim. Dig out Blue Chips. Do your homework, and get some rest. It’s the second week of the NBA season, and the first week of our league.