

No Kids

Seen at: Beauty Bar backyard On: Wednesday, March 18, 2009 Bluesy nerd rock brought to you by your friendly neighborhood That Guy (Nick Krogovich) and

Fol Chen

Seen at: Beauty Bar On: Wednesday, March 19, 2009 Bandito punkers terrorize Beauty Bar. Play trumpets. No one was harmed, except my eardrums. Always a

Friday with Some Chick

After several wrong turns in the RV, we made it out to Airport Hotel Land in butt-fuck Austin to pick up copies of our beautiful

SXSW: Hater Thursday

[Above: Lou Reed on his fourth victory lap.] By Jeremy Krinsley Lou Reed, after the four hour tribute in his honor, having played “Walk on

SXSW: Hater Wednesday

[Above: Gordon Downs and Hillary.] By Jeremy Krinsley It started with a fat bald man with the Hummer of digital cameras hanging from his neck,

And the SXSW recaps keep coming…

For those in withdrawal or ongoing SXSW envy, Tascha van Auken gives us some of her South by Southwest moments. Curious about their on-stage peeing/spitting/playing