


Avenue B

Eddie Salvador drove from the south side of the city to meet with the men who made exploitation films. There was a group of fifteen

10:04 Ben Lerner

That New New In Lit: September

Chapbooks have been around since the 16th century, and, save the implementation of staples, their basic design hasn’t changed much since. Recently the form has

dinner with jazz

Dinner With Jazz Critic

The white-haired jazz critic had invited me to dinner at his house with him and his wife. He was retired now, he told me, but

Skinwalkers by Brenna Erlich


“How does it feel to have no ambition, Richard?” she asked. I lit a joint and blew smoke in her face (by accident) and walked

That New New in Lit: August

Of the countless short fiction archetypes, one of my favorites is the young-person-stuck-in-awful-summer-job-tale. It’s an old story, at least the “young person” part; Western authors


Vincent Peppers On Weight

Good afternoon. Peppers here. I had days at work where I didn’t talk. I just listened to my co-workers. I had the best cubicle because