
The History Of Apple Pie's friends and peers

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the history of apple pie

My brother makes some amazing music under the guises of BNJMN and Singing Statues, and before that he was releasing records under the alias Jackhigh. This track is from The Tropics EP which he collaborated on with Teebs. It's a brilliant record. – James

This is Younghusband and their song from their 2011 CRYSTAL EP. Reminiscent of Ride and Wire. Really good live band, too! – Kelly

This is Hatcham Social with 'Sidewalk'. I actually used to play in the live line up for this band and I'm in this video! The band is based around the extremely talented Kidd brothers, Finn and Toby, who form the songwriting core. This was always my favourite song we used to play and it's from their first record, You Dig The Tunnel, I'll Hide The Soil. which came out in 2009. It really brings back a lot of really fond memories and listening to it always makes me super nostalgic. They now have a new album out called About Girls which has a much more straight-up poppy focus and is also really great! – Jerome

Slightly off theme, but as everyone who knows me knows, I'm a bit obsessed with Kurt Heasley and his band Lilys. I first heard “Nanny in Manhattan” on a Levis advert, got the single on cassette and spent the following years desperately trying to track down more of their music (this being the days before EVERYTHING was accessible on the internet). They've definitely been a huge influence on me. – Aslam

Imagine wrestling a 13-foot alligator in the middle of a party on the deck of a million dollar yacht that's cruising on the California waves (which are piranha infested). This is Boneyards. Their EP is due out Jan 2013. – Steph