
Fera By Husbandry Is A Golden Psychotropic Roller Coaster

Post Author: Jessica Ourisman

Brooklyn-based band Husbandry released their premiere album, “Fera,” on August 26, featuring a darkly unique and invigorating “post-hardcore, mathy noise-rock” album with a sound that is, frankly, hard to describe. Make believe for a second that words can capture a musical experience, and somehow “A Golden Psychotropic Roller Coaster” seems to fit.

Husbandry’s music is a head-trip. While it’s been described as “frenetic” and “energizing” – and it totally is – its their intermixing of beauty and discord that is somehow cathartic, dispelling an inner emotional jaggedness. It inexplicably empowers you and feels like a release.

Their clarity of sound cuts through your brain fog and asserts itself forcefully — imposingly, even — on your senses, ferociously crashing through any inner tension or emotional turmoil it encounters. They’re basically like a Gilt Xanax or a High End Designer Chill Pill, a great way to unwind in completely unexpected packaging.

Similar to how people with ADHD respond paradoxically to stimulants, Fera is perhaps the ADHD-listener’s unanticipated musical antidote. It’s the storm after which you’ll feel calm. You might even feel as if you were just wreaking havoc in a mosh pit (minus any pain, discomfort or physical exertion).

The album is at times downright pretty (i.e. the interlude in “With Codeine”) and is constantly catalyzed by bouts of tempo-changing, metal-inspired frenzy and vigor (i.e. “Nature Vs. Nurture”). Their musical talent is evident and their lead-singer Carina Zachary has a commendable voice. Zachary’s passionate vocals perfectly suit the powerful music, strong enough to hold its own and trail-blaze its way through the musical foliage.

They’re unlike anything else we’ve heard recently. Their music feels industrial, inorganic, and like you’ve just ridden a roller coaster. It’s the kind of experience that engrosses you so suddenly that it’s only after the fact that you look back and ask, “What just happened?” Husbandry’s premiere takes on some dark and serious subject matter, and conquers it.

Be sure to check out Husbandry’s lead single, “So Long, Capricornian Crone,” or “Nature vs. Nurture,” on debut full-length album, Fera.