This is a six-song EP that begins with a bang on the excellent post-rock breakdown of “The Illectrik Hoax.” That track features the guest vocals of Natural Self, and they definitely hit that shit with dead on precision, creating something that sounds like a messy collaboration between a slacker indie-rock band and a slacker stoner-rapper. From there, however, the EP degenerates into nothing more than what appears to be filler, with a strange excerpted interlude entitled, “Extract from Stolen Moments.”
There’s also a 13-minute long experiment entitled, “Trick of the Ear,” which lags badly, and requires more patience than most people will ultimately have for it. One has to wonder where that first song came from, and does he have another one like that anywhere in him? That’s the kind of thing that makes the new electro-hip-hop really interesting at this point in history, reconstructed hip-hop-cum-rock songs that are executed with some style. Otherwise, it’s just the same damn mash-up everyone else is doing. And no one really needs any more of that.