
Zip-Tie Handcuffs, Headspace

Post Author: Meredith Schneider

Boston’s punk rock trio Zip-Tie Handcuffs – comprised of Matt Ford, Ian Grinold, and Max Levy – has been riding high off their new release, an album titled Headspace which hit the sound space in August. Boasting sixteen full-length tracks, it’s insane the amount of talent that went into this collection. And from the very intro of first song “City Sewers” to the last notes of “Planets”, the music hits you like a punch to the face. A really enticing punch to the face.

Although their sound isn’t something we can necessarily pinpoint, we admit to noticing hints of surf pop, garage, and psychedelic rock on our journey through Headspace. While tracks like “Don’t Know” and “Robot-a-go-go” can be noted for their endearing guitar riffs, the highlight of “Afraid to Fly” and “Turtles” is the steady, strong percussion. Every track, however, is held together by psychedelic punk vocals, buried just enough in reverb and white noise to make you sit up straight in your chair and perk your ears up. Although, perhaps this album is best enjoyed standing up, shaking your hips and nodding your head in an intimate venue.

Song of Note: “Hole in the Ground”. Don’t ask me why. It was love at first listen.

Headspace is available now.