
Premiere: 1939 Ensemble, “Sabotage”

Building new sonic infrastructures of their own from the modernist twentieth-century ruins are Portland, Oregon's 1939 Ensemble, a power duo that combines the talents of The Breeders' drummer Jose Medeles and David Coniglio's vibraphones, synths and noise treatments and trickery. In our debut of the Jeff Rowles video for "Sabotage", the titanium two's percussion-based vibraphonics are presented with late night visuals of undercover operations for a low key, low-lit premiere of Coniglio and Medeles's new school of crime wave jazz.

With the Jeff Rowles cinematic treatment, Jose and David begin their clandestine mission dressed as custodians closing up a kitchen. With Medeles's drums kicking out anxious action, Coniglio's vibraphones and synthesizer sustains set the the suspense as the two change into their suit and tie kits, comb back the hair, shine their shoes and figure out who-wants-to-wear-which ski mask. Like two henchmen in the night setting on a high stakes heist; the vibraphone bell tone and drum fills guide you along in a classic boat of a Buick to their secret performance space.

Clad in the concealment of the night, they duck the infrared lasers and make way to their security guarded equipment. As the synth bellows minor keys with a heavy breath, it gives an underbelly of menace to the generative discourse between the drums and vibes. As the red lasers search for the intruders, once detected the flood lights blare as the two take to the motion triggered illumination like subversive popstars under the bright stage lights. As a partners-in-crime ensemble of two, they carry the sound orchestra of an entire organized mob network.

1939 Ensemble's debut LP Howl and Bite will be available April 16 from Jealous Butcher Records.