
Premiere: phages., “Take Me With You”

Through relay by a courier, the mysterious San Franciscan electro leaning phages. sent us a video debut of their title track, "Take Me With You" from their Low Life Inc. EP that drops today. Taking their name from the evolutionary microbiological process of a virus that infects and replicates within bacteria; here is all we know about these inner-city-bio-electrons from this following letter:

"I'm writing to you about my new project based in San Francisco's notoriously seedy Tenderloin district. We are called phages. After a year in the studio of introspection and, at times, insanity, we have emerged with a three song EP and an ICY video for your aural, visual pleasure. Expressions of love and loss, a reaffirmation that space truly is the place and metaphors left behind. Beginning, resonating and ending with visceral low tones, phages. will devour you in three stages, injection, replication, infection, before moving on to the next host."

In the Ethan Indorf made video, morphing drops of liquid go through the motions of icicle formations made within their cavernous dwelling. The visual process of ice formations gives further character to the cold vocals and electrical production of heart impulsed beat programming. "Don't let your head hang down, I'll carry the weight around, we try to see it through, now I stop hurting you". The life in the ice box environment presents a cold setting where the vocals rings out amid the glaciers to encourage a former lover seeking warmth amid the freezing processes. The keyboards zig-zag like dance track bridges while the various ice queen pearls form and take shapes as if taking cue like water responding to sub-freezing temperatures.

Lifting heads and carrying the chilly luggage of heavy hearts, the ice continues to develop in all manners of shapes and sizes. Like a lonely evening spent watching the ice cube tray develop chilling beverage companions, the slow dance electro whir delves deeper into the ice water reflections. "Two hearts don't always make a whole, get something new and turn in the old", as the emotions drops into the titular chorus pleas of "take me with you". The frozen hearted incompatibilities evolve into the ice cold sentiment representations that shimmer and shine like blinged out diamonds made in a jewelery refinery. As the song reaches it's peak and heart aching and begging close, all ice object formations return to their liquid state in a flash like a freezer door left open for a moment too long.

The phages. debut EP release, Take Me With You is available now from Low Life Inc.