
Shark?, Darlings, Celestial Shore, RElyse @ 285 Kent on July 25

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This time I went with illustrating women, mostly because they were in my eyeshot during the show. The other less rational reason is my recent attendance at another concert featuring all-dude bands assaulting my eardrums with inferior noise.

I’d missed the first band that came on, which was RElyse. – A real shame because I was looking forward to seeing them.

This is the woman from Celestial Shore. She alternated between singing, guitar, and keys.

Then Darlings came on. There was this one moment during their set where I lost myself in the music and it was real good, y’know? The girl played guitar and keys. She was great.

This is a girl in the crowd.

By the time Darlings finished their set I was woozy and walked to LA Burrito, ate a dollar-fifty taco, and called it a night. The end.