
Vampire Weekend cover band, 3

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An ongoing series proving that Afro-Pop is no longer just a Cape Cod state of mind.

This isn't the first time we've seen it. Nor the second. Yes, it's the third time.

If there's any question whether the VW bug has landed firmly on the other side of the pond, refer to “Think Big” by a UK band that everyone likes called Hands on Heads. With a reference to Oxford and a trebly, major-triad-driven guitar flourish more than a little reminiscent of “Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa”, it suggests that the quaint mashup of boat shoes and glistening West African guitars could be on its way to full-fledged, commercially viable youth movement across the pond. Move over Nu-Rave, hello Afro-Frat, or Boat-Pop, or Manchester Soweto, or the Whitest Black Music You Know; while we can't predict what it will be called, we can start tucking in our shirts.

To be fair, this is a band with a fair range of influences, and they deliver their music genuinely. The rest of the songs they publicize aren't as startlingly derivative, and actually stretch into that skittish territory occupied by Los Campesinos! or Architecture in Helsinki. Go to their Myspace for it.