The idea behind Sumi Ink Club is simple, you find out the location, grab a brush, pour some ink into a cup, then draw your little heart out. Similar to Jason Polan's Taco Bell Drawing Club, or any drawing club for that matter.
Based in Los Angeles, the drawing collective was founded in 2005 by Sarah Anderson and Luke Fischbeck (the man behind one of my favorite music projects, Lucky Dragons.)
The group holds regular open meetings to execute topsy-turvy, detailed, collaborative drawings using ink on paper. In each of its permutations, Sumi Ink Club uses group drawings as a means to open and fortify social interactions that bleed into everyday life. Sumi Ink club is non-hierarchical: all ages, all humans, all styles.
Really excited to see what they're planning on doing for the festival in Monterrey, Mexico curated by Jesse Hlebo.