What to read (right now) XXX: 15 views of Orlando

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The ever-awesome Burrow Press asked 15 writers over the past few months to create stories about the one town that connects them all (and really, us all): Orlando. Burrow wants to start some mythology about Orlando, just like the narratives that surround Chicago or L.A. or NYC. A tall task for sure, but somebody has to start.

This isn't just Disney bashing or gushing; in fact many times the Mouse is just danced around, such as in the great piece by Chris Heavener entitled “Cons.”

In addition, all the pieces are situated around certain Orlando locales, so those in-the-know will get a smirky grin on their face, and the rest of us will learn something new about the great middle Florida mousetrap.

Other pieces are by such luminaries as Lindsay Hunter, J. Bradley and Gene Albamonte. The whole thing will be wrapped up into a book in Spring 2012.