
Goodman, “Modern Girl”

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Creeping toward a new album release, “Modern Girl” is a fantastic tease.

Inspiration and Verdict

“Misdirected rage / and sexual anxiety”—happy holidays, everyone. Building a home for British Pop across the pond in NYC, Goodman has a sound emblematic of a lip bite. Channeling frustration—perhaps of many sorts—the feel of “Modern Girl” is undoubtedly one of extraversion. Strongly reflective and exploratory of personal relationships, it almost serves as a coping mechanism. The pace and openness of Goodman’s declarations are fitting and honest at their core:

“Covering my face / Like that all that came before / And everything she’d done to me / Misdirected rage / and sexual anxiety”

Back in 2015, Impose even took some shots of Michael Goodman, during his tenure as a guitarist with Spires. We were fans from the beginning. Personally, “Modern Girl” is just what I needed this morning. Not necessarily for the reflection or deeper lyrical explorations, but merely for the pace and optimism in the face of universally trying times.

Day-to-day, impressions may change, but today, I genuinely enjoyed “Modern Girl”. 4/5.


You can buy Goodman’s “Modern Girl” on Bandcamp, and preorder their February 2017 release of their third album, The Vicssitudes via Invertebrate Music as well (preorder here). We’ll drop their Facebook and Twitter here, too.