
On the road to Austin with Uncommon Nasa, Karma Kids, and Reservoir Sound

In early March, Uncommon Nasa, Karma Kids (Lt. Headtrip, Googie, Gruff Lion, Duncecap and DJ Samurai Banana) and Reservoir Sound (A.M. Breakups, MC Eleven and Hype Wonder) all got in a van together to drive down to Austin for SXSW 2014. They dubbed this tour SXNY 2014 and hit cities such as Pittsburgh, Chicago, Minneapolis and Des Moines. Before they departed New York City, we handed these rappers, DJ and producer two cameras to use while on tour. In return, we received images of Duncecap smoking way too many cigarettes at once, public urination, sleeping with a box of Capri Sun and the tagging of people's bodies. Speaking of that, Lt. Headtrip and Karma Kids names are written on some intimate places and those images are naturally, not safe for work.

For more from the SXNY tour, check out their documentary here.

New York rappers, a producer and DJ all pile into a van together to perform at SXSW 2014.