
Bosco Delrey gets Beastied

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Bosco Delrey

Turns out the Mad Decent offices in New York are the former location of The Beastie Boys recording studio. After Diplo sent photos from his Blackberry (shameless plug, give us money!) to Mike D, showing off the remodeled space, plus a grab bag of new songs from the roster. Mike D has a Bosco Delrey remix in the works, but it seems Ad Rock heard about Bosco through Mike and beat him to the punch.

Ad Rock's “Evil LIves” remix strips the bombastic organs and original drums and retro-fits Bosco's creeping vocals with a Beckian sound that is dangerously similar to The Stooges' “Dirt” played at dancefloor pace. Oh, and there's the Iggy fffffffucks tossed in for added stimulation.

Stay on the lookout for the Mike D remix. Hopefully a video will be shot with a scene, in which Bosco Delrey has a Hunter Thompson-like flashback and runs into his elder self at a disco, in which Mike D plays the older version of Bosco – seriously though, these dudes grow identical jewfros.

Bosco Delrey, “Evil Lives” (Ad-Rock Remix)