
ERAAS, “Old Magic”

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The imprint Felte specializes in crafting their own self-styled cinema for the ear and mind. Be it the emotional textures of PVT, the prime-time sordid-but-seductive-savagery from Standish/Carlyon, the new indie warehouse romanticism of Flaamingos, which brings us to the wild at heart briar paths of Brooklyn's ERAAS. They have bared their haunted bass beat fangs before, and are now preparing their second album, Initiation for the uninitiated, the vaguely familiar, and the outright fanatical; sparing some of that “Old Magic” they must have had up their sleeves all Summer long. The bass urges that hi-hat drum machine and mysterious vocal wail that can only be interrupted by the spell breaking metal bell wind chimes. Prepare thy self for the new harvest season Initiation rituals, coming this November.

ERAA's Initiation will be available November 12 from Felte.