
G-Side readies #G

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Fresh Daily is dedicated to the tweets of rappers as a necessary means to say current on all rap everything. Most days we are just sorting through the muck, but it's worth it when some insight towards a developing record is gained. Take the recent interactions on G-Side's Twitter, for example. The group mentioned their next record, #G, is closer to being completed than we might assume and considerable progress was made in the past 24-hours as Killer Mike and Mr. Muthafuckin' eXquire both confirmed interest with the Huntsville duo.

G-Side sent “Gatorade???” to eXquire, who responded that he hasn't forgotten. What this means and what “Gatorade” is code for, possibly a song title, is uncertain, but it feels like good news. The Killer Mike exchange was all business though, as he replied to their inquiry with “say no more I'm on and in”, to which G-Side replied with “sent” – which most likely translates to a beat or partially complete song sent to Mike's inbox. G-Side also reached out to Ab-Soul in hopes of getting some of his “ghetto revolutionary steelo” on the record, no reply is confirmed as of 10:49 a.m. western time on July 23. Sounds like brilliant things are in the works though.

Finally we have a teaser video titled “Live From the G-Side”, which is produced by Block Beattaz and features a killer ST 2 Lettaz verse.