
Gran, “Brain Freeze”

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Though on some days it might not be in the cards to get into a song so seriously that you have to stop everything else to enjoy it, when that opportunity arises, don't let it pass you by. In the case of Vienna's Gran and a wildly controlled new-dance track called “Brain Freeze”, you'll want to have at least five minutes to yourself when you tune in. It is an excellent mix of punk and funk and it doesn't slow down for anyone, instead building to an unexpected additional jammy end, all punctuated by splashy cymbal hits and rotating bass. The underlying density of the song sounds like putting goo around a revolver belt in a funk factory. It's twisted, weird, and has hits of both shoegaze and punk, despite its inherent danciness. You might walk away thinking, “What did I just hear?” but it will be worth it.

“Brain Freeze” comes from a short EP of the same name, which you stream/buy here through Totally Wired Records.