
Ides, “Chokehold”

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Last week, we shared with you a new track from King of Cats that was as eccentric and dastardly varied as we could handle. Now, on the other side of the upcoming 7″ from Reeks of Effort, companion track “Chokehold” from Joanna Gruesome singer Alanna McArdle under her moniker Ides, gives us a taste of the melancholy. “Chokehold” is gorgeous, stirring, and fragile, and though it starts slow and paces on melodically, its moments of grungy aggression peek through the lulls. It's like if Grouper and Chelsea Wolfe had a ghostly baby together and it had a dark, melancholic spirit before even adolescence settled in. Painfully beautiful.

You can stream “Chokehold” below, then preorder this incredible contribution at this link.