
Videotape, “Between Me And You”

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With a wailing wall of sound, Chicago's Videotape cause a minor explosion on “Between Me And You”. Vocalist Sophie Leigh stations herself in the higher ranges to float above the jangly shoegaze raucous of her band mates for anthemic rush of haunting echoes. “Between Me And You” is from Videotape's debut This Is Disconnect, which gives us the impression this is either a heartbreak record or a statement on a failure to communicate. On “Between Me And You”, Sophie is focused on the distance or disconnect and it's a stasis that puts an angelic ache in her croon.

It could also be said there's an unwillingness to connect in Videotape, if you're of the school of thought that shoegaze is the ultimate hideout. Videotape could be telling us to keep things at an arm's length, the distance between me and you is a restraining order. It all depends on if you're a shoegaze half full or half empty believer.

This Is Disconnect is out out September 4.