

Tumblr Spot: Teenage Bedroom

What weren't we doing in our teenage bedrooms? Making out, jerking off, smoking out of the window, crying because we were “so alone”, getting drunk

Tumblr Spot: Floatdream… hue la la

Whenever the internet feels cluttered and unorganized I consistently find myself on FLOATDREAM — an image blog with a twist. The curators of FLOATDREAM post

Stag Hare.

Fuck yeah, Stag Hare

The wonderful thing about this opening fold of the new Stag Hare is that while it's the prototypical field recording: cawing birds and wind rushing

Tumblr Spot: Pulchra Mundi

I don't know what you want me to say. Pulchra Mundi is a Tumblr comprised of National Geographic scans from the 50s, 60s and 70s.