
The Maze, Days 3, 1, and 2

Post Author: , Nate Dorr

As a response to the claustrophobic, cloistered and wholly novel maze installation at Death By Audio, we present to you images from the first three nights, in an order that we can only call labyrinthian. But not before a few clues:

-Sam Hillmer and Laura Paris’ You Are Here art maze hits a measured sense of eerie whimsy, sort of like being in one of the sets from the Labyrinth. The maze continues to evolve every night as new sculptures appear and new sight lines open up.

-San Francisco’s Gowns should really come to town more. I hope you caught one of their three shows this trip, because the new material is right up there with their best. And Erika Anderson has a song where she plays an iPod touch drum machine and raps and it somehow actually works. There’s a new Latitude session 12″ with a combination of new and old tracks, amazingly recorded.

-Dan Friel made use of one of the maze’s non-stage spaces, playing in a sort of blacklight-lit cave tucked into the back of the space. Note to bands: find more of these.

-A Place to Bury Strangers, playing their own space for once, pumped it full of fog, completely obscuring both band and maze structure.

-Pygmy Shrews played their entire new album, The Egyptian, out just now. Ben Greenberg showed no signs of slowing or easing up despite a guitar-shredded finger that spattered blood on his strings and shirt nearly the entire set.