
Rugs & Glugs: Turkish Tea Benefit for Brooklyn Bike Patrol

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(Photo by Rachel Apodaca for BK Styled)

Underground rug dealer-turned-showroom owner and rug designer Aelfie Oudghiri, who sells vintage and original pieces as AELFIE, has incredibly positive reviews on Yelp! They love her. Her testimonials are stories of intrigue with super happy endings: her customers are floored.

(Photo by Zev Starr-Tambor)

AELFIE combines dwellinggawker modernity with an ancient standard of beauty, yielding an envigorated glamour with globe-spinning timelessness. It's just another place where I'll be able to liberally shop once I finally make it.

(AELFIE sectional at the NY International Gift Fair)

This Sunday, February 10, the AELFIE showroom will host, “Turkish Tea for Women's Safety,” an elegant post-brunch tea time (sans milk for authenticity) in the heart of Morgantown Bushwick, whose proceeds benefit Brooklyn Bike Patrol. BBP a volunteer-run service that escorts women home from nightlife establishments and public transportation stations after dark, ensuring a guide at 55 metro stops throughout the borough. They've received accolades from New York state senator Eric Adams and – my personal hero whose job I want – Brooklyn borough president Marty Markowitz.

(Portlandia-style toughness in North Brooklyn)

I sat at my personal gmail to briefly chat with Aelfie about the upcoming event.

How did you get involved with Brooklyn Bike Patrol? Why was a tea party a natural benefit idea?

I became aware of the Brooklyn Bike Patrol when I moved to Bushwick this Winter, which happened to perfectly coincide with a spree of assaults against women around the Morgan L train. The Bike Patrol have been on speed dial ever since. I noticed on Facebook that they were raising money for new equipment and figured a tea party would be a nice way to meet my neighbors and support an important service. Where there are rugs sold, tea is available.

What was the spark that eventually swallowed your heart with flames of rug love?

Rug love is the wrong term. It is RUG ADDICTION. The habit started when I was a teenager visiting Turkey with my family. I spent a day negotiating with a certain Murat in Istanbul. He sold me my first carpet, a funny pink and blue catastrophe.

<strong>Have you noticed a spike in wedding invitations, with brides & grooms hoping to be gifted beautiful pieces?

I have not noticed a spike in wedding invites. Maybe if I start selling crock pots?

(Photo by Zev Starr-Tambor)

Turkish Tea for Women's Safety on 2/10 at AELFIE, 41 Varick Ave #401 at Harrison Pl | 2pm-4pm | $25 | RSVP