
Crossed Eyes, S/T EP

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crossed eyes

Culled straight from the source in Lafayette, Indiana, TV Ghost's Jackon VanHorn has a side project that reveals where his influence comes from. The four-track Crossed Eyes EP is gloomy and full of the same psych-goth darkness that TV Ghost excels at, but with a poppy, playful edge. On the third track, the shapeshifting “Nausea”, VanHorn makes willfully joyous bedroom pop whose only evil giveaway is a dead-real monotone voice. The terrific highlight is the Prince-esque guitar line that comes in near the song's close, and though VanHorn may take inspiration from the Artist, his guitar skills are so dripping in effects and ennui that he's closer to descendent musicians than ethereal ones. The full four tracks exhibit an artist who favors the kind of pop that gets lost in the murky underworld.

You can stream the full EP at the embed here, then head to Jurassic Pop Records to pick up a copy of the cassette, pictured below.