
Quarterbacks, “Sportscenter”

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Quarterbacks, Sportscenter

In the tradition of twee, Quarterbacks eponymous single “Sportscenter”, from its upcoming Double Double Whammy cassette is 25 seconds of instrumental warm up followed by 30 seconds of slacker lyrics about drinking Budweiser, watching Sportscenter, and waiting for warmer days to arrive outside their basement window. The impulse is to think, the band name, the album title, it's all juvenile irony. Given the lyrics of “Sportscenter”, it's possible the New Paltz band genuinely love American sports and look out into a polar vortex, longing for the vision of green grass to practice their post routes and diving catches into imaginary endzones between two walnut trees.

Recorded on a 4-track at the home of DDW's Dave Benton, the Sportscenter EP is seven songs clocking in at roughly eight minutes. Perhaps Quarterbacks made an EP with the suburban commuter demographic in mind, in which the drive to work in a two stoplight town could be completed on muscle memory and never accelerating over 30 miles per hour. We can also think of a few things you shouldn't be able to do within the brevity of the Sportscenter EP.

Preorder the Quarterbacks' Sportscenter CS now via Bandcamp. The EP is out February 12 on Double Double Whammy, coincidentally the same day as the label's showcase at Shea Stadium.